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OEM 17127519257
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
5 (E60) M54 256 S5 1997 2004
5 (E60) M54 306 S3 1997 2004
5 (E60) N52 B25 1997 2004
5 (E60) N53 B30 A 1997 2004
5 (E60) N52 B30 1997 2004
5 (E60) N52 B30 A 1997 2004
5 (E60) N52 B30 B 1997 2004
5 (E60) N52 B30 B 1997 2004
5 (E60) N52 B30 BF 1997 2004
5 (E60) N52 B30 BF 1997 2004
5 (E60) N53 B30 A 1997 2004
5 (E60) 1997 2004