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OEM 5860810 13118700
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Corsa C (F08, F68) Z 13 DT 1.3 CDTI 2003
Corsa C Box (F08, W5L) Z 13 DT 1.3 CDTI 2003
Corsa C (F08, F68) Y 17 DT 1.7 DTI 2003
Corsa C Box (F08, W5L) Z 17 DTH 1.7 CDTi 2003
Corsa C (F08, F68) Z 13 DT 1.3 CDTI 2003
Corsa C Box (F08, W5L) Z 13 DT 1.3 CDTI 2003
Corsa C (F08, F68) Y 17 DT 1.7 DTI 2003
Corsa C Box (F08, W5L) Z 17 DTH 1.7 CDTi 2003