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OEM 4400347 1132276
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Transit CONNECT (P65_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P80_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit (CY) 2004 2006
Transit (DY) 2004 2006
Transit (FY) 2004 2006
Transit (GY) 2004 2006
Escort (CA) 1995 2001
Escort (DA) 1995 2001
Escort (EA) 1995 2001
Escort (FA) 1995 2001
Fiesta (AX) 2010
Fiesta (CX) 2010
Fiesta (DX) 2010
Granada (CE) 1992 1994
Granada (DE) 1992 1994
Mondeo (FD) 2004 2007
Mondeo (GD) 2004 2007
Mondeo (GE) 2004 2007
Scorpio (FE) 1994 1998
Sierra (CD) 1987 1993
Sierra (DD) 1987 1993
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P9PC 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P9PD 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) R2PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) R3PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) RWPE 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) RWPF 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) HCPA 2004 2006