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OEM 6460980083
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Vito Bus (W639) OM 646.982 111 CDI 2010
Vito Bus (W639) OM 646.982 111 CDI 2010
Vito Bus (W639) OM 646.980 115 CDI 2010
Vito Bus (W639) OM 646.982 110 CDI 2010
Vito Bus (W639) OM 646.982 111 CDI 2010
Vito Bus (W639) OM 646.983 109 CDI 2010
Vito Bus (W639) 4x4 OM 646.982 115 CDI 2010
Vito Bus (W639) 4x4 OM 646.982 111 CDI 2010