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OEM 51742188
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Idea (350_) 843 A1.000 2005
Punto (188_) 188 A9.000 2003 2012
Idea (350_) FXDD 2005
Punto (188_) FYDA 2003 2012
OEM 7653966
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Dedra (835_) 182 A4.000 1996 1999
Dedra (835_) FYDB 1996 1999
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Tempra (159_) 159 A2.000 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) 159 A2.000 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) 159 A3.046 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) 159 A3.048 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) 159 B9.000 1992 1996
Tempra S.W. (159_) 159 A2.000 1992 1996
Tempra S.W. (159_) 159 A2.000 1992 1996
Tempra S.W. (159_) 159 A3.000 1992 1996
Tempra S.W. (159_) 159 A3.046 1992 1996
Tempra S.W. (159_) 159 B9.000 1992 1996
Tipo (160_) 149 C2.046 1989 1995
Tipo (160_) 159 A2.000 1989 1995
Tipo (160_) 159 A3.046 1989 1995
Tipo (160_) 159 A3.048 1989 1995
Tipo (160_) 160 A1.000 1989 1995
Tempra (159_) FYDC 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) FYDD 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) FYDH 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) FXDA 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) FXDB 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) FXDC 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) FXDD 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) FYDB 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) FYDC 1992 1996
Tempra (159_) FYDD 1992 1996
Tempra S.W. (159_) FYDH 1992 1996
Tempra S.W. (159_) FXDA 1992 1996
Tempra S.W. (159_) FXDB 1992 1996
Tempra S.W. (159_) FXDC 1992 1996
Tempra S.W. (159_) FXDD 1992 1996
OEM 55185373
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Fiorino Cassone/Furgonato/Promiscuo (225_) 199 A2.000 2007  
Qubo (225_) 199 A2.000 2008  
Doblo MPV/Spacewagon (119_) 186 A9.000 2005 2010
Doblo MPV/Spacewagon (223_) 186 A9.000 2005 2010
500 (312_) 169 A1.000 2007
Grande Punto PUNTO (199_) 199 A6.000 2005
Idea (350_) 843 A1.000 2005
Idea (350_) 199 A3.000 2005
Linea (110_) 350 A1.000 2007
Linea (323_) 350 A1.000 2007
Panda (169_) 187 A1.000 2003
Punto (188_) 188 A9.000 2003 2012
Strada Pick-up (178_) 223 A9.000 2006
500 (312_) FXDC 2007
Doblo MPV/Spacewagon (119_) FXDD 2005 2010
Doblo MPV/Spacewagon (223_) FYDA 2005 2010
Fiorino Cassone/Furgonato/Promiscuo (225_) FYDB 2007  
Fiorino Cassone/Furgonato/Promiscuo (225_) FYDC 2007  
Grande Punto PUNTO (199_) FYDD 2005
Grande Punto PUNTO (199_) FYDH 2005
Idea (350_) FXDA 2005
Idea (350_) FXDB 2005
Linea (110_) FXDC 2007
Linea (323_) FXDD 2007
Panda (169_) FYDC 2003
Panda (169_) FYDD 2003
Punto (188_) FYDH 2003 2012
Qubo (225_) FXDA 2008  
Qubo (225_) FXDB 2008  
Strada Pick-up (178_) FXDC 2006
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Musa (350_) 188 A9.000 2006 2012
Musa (350_) 199 A3.000 2006 2012
Ypsilon (843_) 188 A4.000 2007 2011
Ypsilon (843_) 199 A2.000 2007 2011
Ypsilon (843_) 199 A3.000 2007 2011
Musa (350_) FYDA 2006 2012
Musa (350_) FYDB 2006 2012
Ypsilon (843_) FXDD 2007 2011
Ypsilon (843_) FYDA 2007 2011
Ypsilon (843_) FYDB 2007 2011
Ypsilon (843_) FYDC 2007 2011
OEM 51748541
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Linea (110_) 350 A1.000 2007
Linea (323_) 350 A1.000 2007
Linea (110_) FYDD 2007
Linea (323_) FYDH 2007
OEM 1076923 1096829
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Focus (DAW) FXDA 2005 2012
Focus (DBW) FXDA 2005 2012
Focus Trevolumi (DFW) FXDA 2005 2012
Focus Turnier (DNW) FXDA 2005 2012
Focus (DAW) FXDA 2005 2012
Focus (DAW) FXDB 2005 2012
Focus (DAW) FXDC 2005 2012
Focus (DAW) FXDD 2005 2012
Focus (DAW) FYDA 2005 2012
Focus (DAW) FYDB 2005 2012
Focus (DAW) FYDC 2005 2012
Focus (DAW) FYDD 2005 2012
Focus (DAW) FYDH 2005 2012
Focus (DBW) FXDA 2005 2012
Focus (DBW) FXDB 2005 2012
Focus (DBW) FXDC 2005 2012
Focus (DBW) FXDD 2005 2012
Focus (DBW) FYDA 2005 2012
Focus (DBW) FYDB 2005 2012
Focus (DBW) FYDC 2005 2012
Focus (DBW) FYDD 2005 2012
Focus (DBW) FYDH 2005 2012
Focus Trevolumi (DFW) FXDA 2005 2012
Focus Trevolumi (DFW) FXDB 2005 2012
Focus Trevolumi (DFW) FXDC 2005 2012
Focus Trevolumi (DFW) FXDD 2005 2012
Focus Trevolumi (DFW) FYDA 2005 2012
Focus Trevolumi (DFW) FYDB 2005 2012
Focus Trevolumi (DFW) FYDC 2005 2012
Focus Trevolumi (DFW) FYDD 2005 2012
OEM 4371775 4378820
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Transit CONNECT (P65_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P80_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit Box (CY) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit Box (CY) 4BA 2004 2006
Transit Box (CY) LAT 2004 2006
Transit Box (DY) 4DA 2004 2006
Transit Box (DY) 4GA 2004 2006
Transit Box (EY) 4EB 2004 2006
Transit Bus 4EB 2004 2006
Transit Bus 4FA 2004 2006
Transit Bus (CY) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit Bus (CY) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit Bus (CY) N6T 2004 2006
Transit Bus (DY) 4BC 2004 2006
Transit Bus (DY) 4GA 2004 2006
Transit Bus (EY) 4EB 2004 2006
Transit Bus (EY) 4ED 2004 2006
Transit Bus (EY) 4GA 2004 2006
Transit Platform/Chassis 4AB 2004 2006
Transit Platform/Chassis 4BA 2004 2006
Transit Platform/Chassis N6T 2004 2006
Transit Platform/Chassis NAT 2004 2006
Transit Platform/Chassis (DY) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit Platform/Chassis (DY) 4GA 2004 2006
Transit Platform/Chassis (EY) 4EB 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P9PC 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P9PD 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) R2PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) R3PA 2004 2006
OEM 1C108A520AA 4378810
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Tourneo CONNECT 1994 2014
Tourneo CONNECT 1994 2014
Transit CONNECT (P65_) 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P80_) 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P80_) 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FB__) D2FE 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FB__) D2FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FB__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FC__) D2FE 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FC__) D2FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FC__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FD__) D2FE 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FD__) D2FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FD__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FS__) D2FE 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FS__) D2FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FS__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FZ__) D2FE 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FZ__) D2FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FZ__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Box (FA__) D2FA 2004 2006
Transit Box (FA__) DOFA 2004 2006
Transit Box (FA__) F4FA 2004 2006
Transit Box (FA__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Bus (FB__) D2FE 2004 2006
Transit Bus (FB__) E5FA 2004 2006
Transit Bus (FB__) FXFA 2004 2006
OEM 1221888 4611833
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Transit Autobus (FB__) D2FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FB__) D2FE 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FB__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FC__) D2FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FC__) D2FE 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FC__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FD__) D2FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FD__) D2FE 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FD__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FS__) D2FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FS__) D2FE 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FS__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FZ__) D2FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FZ__) D2FE 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FZ__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Furgonato (FA__) D4FA 2004 2006
Transit Furgonato (FA__) DOFA 2004 2006
Transit Furgonato (FA__) F4FA 2004 2006
Transit Furgonato (FA__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Pianalepiatto/Telaio (FM__) D4FA 2004 2006
Transit Pianalepiatto/Telaio (FM__) DOFA 2004 2006
Transit Pianalepiatto/Telaio (FM__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Pianalepiatto/Telaio (FN__) D4FA 2004 2006
Transit Pianalepiatto/Telaio (FN__) DOFA 2004 2006
Transit Pianalepiatto/Telaio (FN__) FXFA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FB__) H9FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FB__) D2FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FB__) D2FB 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FB__) D2FE 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (FB__) D2FE 2004 2006
OEM 7T169047BB
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Transit CONNECT (P65_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P80_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P7PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P7PB 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P9PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P9PB 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P9PC 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P9PD 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) R2PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) R3PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) RWPE 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) RWPF 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) HCPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) HCPB 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) P7PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) P7PB 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) P9PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) P9PB 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) P9PC 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) P9PD 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) R2PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) R3PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) RWPE 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) RWPF 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) HCPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) HCPB 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P80_) P7PA 2004 2006
OEM 4400347 1132276
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Transit CONNECT (P65_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P80_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit (CY) 2004 2006
Transit (DY) 2004 2006
Transit (FY) 2004 2006
Transit (GY) 2004 2006
Escort (CA) 1995 2001
Escort (DA) 1995 2001
Escort (EA) 1995 2001
Escort (FA) 1995 2001
Fiesta (AX) 2010
Fiesta (CX) 2010
Fiesta (DX) 2010
Granada (CE) 1992 1994
Granada (DE) 1992 1994
Mondeo (FD) 2004 2007
Mondeo (GD) 2004 2007
Mondeo (GE) 2004 2007
Scorpio (FE) 1994 1998
Sierra (CD) 1987 1993
Sierra (DD) 1987 1993
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P9PC 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P9PD 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) R2PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) R3PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) RWPE 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) RWPF 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) HCPA 2004 2006
OEM 4447827 2T148K289AE
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Transit CONNECT (P65_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P80_) BHPA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P9PC 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) P9PD 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) R2PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) R3PA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) RWPE 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) RWPF 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) 4BC 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) 4CC 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) 4DA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) 4ED 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) 4FA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) 4FA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P65_) 4FB 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4FC 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4FD 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4GA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4GB 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4GC 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4HB 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4BA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4CA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4AA 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4BC 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P70_) 4CC 2004 2006
Transit CONNECT (P80_) 4DA 2004 2006
OEM 1631363 86VB8286AA
Model Engine Code Engine Liters Start Y. End Y.
Transit Autobus (E__) 4BC 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (E__) 4ED 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (E__) 4FA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (E__) 4GA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (T__) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (V__) 4AA 2004 2006
Transit Autobus (V__) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit Box (E__) 4BC 2004 2006
Transit Box (E__) 4ED 2004 2006
Transit Box (E__) 4FA 2004 2006
Transit Box (E__) 4GA 2004 2006
Transit Box (T__) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit Box (T__) 4BA 2004 2006
Transit Box (V__) 4AA 2004 2006
Transit Box (V__) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit Bus (E__) 4BC 2004 2006
Transit Bus (E__) 4ED 2004 2006
Transit Bus (E__) 4FA 2004 2006
Transit Bus (E__) 4GA 2004 2006
Transit Bus (T__) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit Bus (V__) 4AA 2004 2006
Transit Bus (V__) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit Furgonato (E__) 4BC 2004 2006
Transit Furgonato (E__) 4ED 2004 2006
Transit Furgonato (E__) 4FA 2004 2006
Transit Furgonato (E__) 4GA 2004 2006
Transit Furgonato (T__) 4AB 2004 2006
Transit Furgonato (T__) 4BA 2004 2006
Transit Furgonato (V__) 4AA 2004 2006
Transit Furgonato (V__) 4AB 2004 2006